Uwem George


Graduate student/Research fellow
Department of Biological Sciences (Molecular Biology and Genomics)/ACEGID, Redeemer's University, Ede, Osun state.

I am an infectious disease professional with a Bachelor of Science degree in Microbiology from the University of Calabar, Master of Science degree in Virology, from the University of Ibadan, and currently a PhD student  at the Department of Biological Sciences/ACEGID, Redeemer's University on Molecular biology and genomics of infectious diseases.  Currently, I am part of a collaborative study with Laboratory of Clinical and Epidemological Virology (Rega institute, University of Leuven, Belgium) aimed at determining the zoonotic potentials and genetic diversity of Enteric Picornaviruses, Rotaviruses and Adenoviruses in both captive and wild Non-Human primates, and comparing this diversity to isolates from both urban and rural human community dwellers in Nigeria.

Research interests

I am a researcher with interest in viral diagnosis, oncology, vaccinology, pathogenesis and molecular epidemiology of viral infections. I collaborate with researchers around the world to solve scientific puzzles relating to emerging viruses. I look forward to working in an institution/organization that is passionate about excellence in academic, research and administration with a view to solving infectious disease challenges.