Eric Vigne


Head Of Tilapia Culture
Suri Tani Pemuka-JAPFA

I am graduated from University Montpellier II , Aquaculture. I have been working in aquaculture production since more than 20 years (marine and freshwater finfish culture include).Working mostly in tropical aquaculture since 2005 . I joined STP Toba Tilapia since 2015 as Head of the tilapia culture; we are facing many challenges with several bacterial s diseases in Toba lake.We are looking for a good vaccination scheme that can sustain our production, we use no antibiotics during the grow-out culture. I am also concern with  fish welfare that can be beneficial for both producers and consumers.

Research interests

I am interested in fish disease management through vaccination and others techniques that can increase our Survival during the tilapia culture. During the past 15 years I was involved in several vaccination fields trials  (commercial and autogenous vaccination) under the supervision of two fish laboratories also for commercial use tilapia production in Malaysia. We are interested to do vaccination trials by injection and oral vaccination as well.