Gholamreza Ahmadian


academice member and Head of system biotechnology group, Department of industrial and environmental biotechnology
NIGEB Director General, National Institute of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (NIGEB)
gholamrezaahmadian [at]

My Name is Gholamreza Ahmadian. Currently, I am working as an Associate Professor in the Department of Industrial and Environmental Biotechnology at the National Institute of Genetics Engineering and Biotechnology of Iran. I have got my B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Microbiology from Tehran University and my Ph.D. from Warwick University in England (in the field of virology and molecular Biology).

My work has resulted in over 70 publications in prestigious journals (, ( .

H-index of 19.

I have also filed five registered patents and have received awards from ICGEB (International Center for Genetics Engineering and Biotechnology) and INSF (Iran National Science Foundation).

I teach courses in Advanced Genetics, Prokaryotic Genetics, Genetics Engineering and Biotechnology.


My research focuses on the following area:

Developing various GRAS bacterial surface displays systems that will finally be applied in vaccine development and bioadsrobents.

Studying the regulation of bacterial Operons and developing novel expression systems for industrial enzymes.


I did a 4-years postdoc fellowship at University of Toronto during which I applied for a postdoctoral fellowship award (postdocs from whole Canada applied for) and I was able to get this award. Then I applied for a traveling fellowship award from the Journal of Cell Science to attend Prof. Yamamoto’s lab at Tokyo University, Japan to complete my experiments and my proposal was selected in a competition.

My work during the Ph.D. and postdoc was productive and published in high-ranked journals including Nature, Nature Neuroscience, EMBO, Neuron and some other prestigious journals. Please see the resume.

After getting a lot of experiences during these two postdoc terms in such prominent institutes, which took me more than 10 years, in spite of getting a new position in Toronto University with higher salary and excellent benefits, I came back home (Iran) and started my new job as an Assistant Professor at NIGEB in 2002, as I noticed they might need my help to set up this new field.

I have attended a short-term fellowship at Shinshu University, Japan and at the International Center for Genetics Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB), Italy.

I was able to establish a series of collaboration with some prominent European labs that were the pioneer in different Microbiology fields to be able to upgrade my research. It was somehow difficult to collaborate with such labs as the resources are limited. In spite of a lot of problems, I worked from scratch and was able to establish collaborations with several good labs in developed countries as follows:

- Universität Stuttgart (Prof. J. Altenbuchner), Germany, on Studying Regulation of Bacterial Operons and developing novel expression systems.

- Federico University (Prof. E. Ricca), Italy, on B. subtilis Spore Surface Display.

-  Shinshu University (Prof. J Sekiguchi)· Department of Bioscience and Textile Technology, Ueda, Japan.

- Medical University of Gdańsk (Dr. K. Hinc; Prof.  M. Obuchowski), Poland, on B. subtilis Spore Surface Display.

- University of Groningen (prof. dr. J.M. (Jan Maarten) van Dijl), Netherlands,  on sortase-mediated surface Display.

- The University of Connecticut (Prof. Peter Setlow), USA, on spore surface display.

I have received Three Awards from the Center for International Scientific Studies and Collaboration (CISSC) and Iran National Science Foundation.

Recently, I was promoted to Associate Professor at the Institute. I was in charge of the research management office at NIGEB till 2014.

I have been a reviewer of journals including the World Journal of Microbiology and biotechnology, Archives of Microbiology, Canadian J of Microbiology and FEMS Microbiology Letters. I also appointed as an editorial board of the Iranian Journal of Biotechnology.

I am a member of the American Society for Microbiology and the Iranian Biotechnology Society.


Research interests

developing vaccine candidate using the surface display of probiotic bacteria

Projects you're working on

vaccine development

Challenge model development Molecular biology Virology
Host species
Stage of vaccine development
Adjuvants Antigen discovery and immunogen design Field trials Vaccine delivery