Dwi Surya Atmaja

Dwi Surya

New Product Development
PT. Medion Farmajaya
dwi.surya.atmaja [at] gmail.com

Full name : Dwi Surya Atmaja

Gender : Male

Affiliations : PT. Medion Farmajaya


Research interests

My current research interests to understand fundamental aspects of immunology. These fundamental aspects include the relationships of immun responses mechanism and antigenic types . I study these aspects for vaccine development with various type of agent like viruses and bacteria with challenge model. My focus is on process development of the agent and observe the mechanism of the immun response especially in chicken. I also use serological test method to help discover protection level over challange.

Bacteriology Bio-manufacturing Challenge model development Formulation technology Virology
Host species
Bacteria BacteriaClostridia BacteriaE. coli BacteriaSalmonella Viruses VirusesAdenovirus VirusesChicken anaemia virus VirusesCoronavirus VirusesInfectious bursal disease virus VirusesInfluenza virus VirusesMareks disease virus VirusesNewcastle disease virus VirusesParamyxoviruses VirusesPoxviruses VirusesRespiratory syncytial virus VirusesRotavirus
Stage of vaccine development
Adjuvants Antigen discovery and immunogen design Clinical trials Field trials