Hester Nichols


Project Lead
The Vaccine Group Ltd

Herpesvirologist working in the field of veterinary vaccines with an aim to prevent disease and AMR

Research interests

Bacterial and viral zoonoses that can be targeted as vaccine antigens to reduce/prevent disease and AMR

Projects you're working on

Using bovine herpesvirus 4 as a viral vaccine vector against viral and bacterial pathogens in livestock such as Streptococcus suis in pigs.

Bacteriology Bio-manufacturing Challenge model development Commercialisation Molecular biology Virology
Host species
Cats Cattle Dogs Pigs Poultry Small ruminants Wildlife Zoonoses
Bacteria BacteriaChlamydophila BacteriaE. coli BacteriaMycobacteria bovis ParasitesCestodes ParasitesTaenia solium Viruses VirusesAfrican swine fever virus VirusesCoronavirus VirusesCytomegalovirus VirusesEbolaviruses/filoviruses VirusesFeline leukaemia virus VirusesFoot-and-mouth disease virus VirusesHerpesvirus VirusesInfluenza virus VirusesPorcine circovirus VirusesPorcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus
Stage of vaccine development
Antigen discovery and immunogen design Correlates of protection – immunomonitoring Field trials Vaccine delivery