Inibehe Okon, MD

Okon, MD

Brain Trauma Lab, Hospital of the Babcock University, Ogun State, Nigeria
inibeheokon3 [at]
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I have a special viewpoint in the field because of my surgical background, and I use ingenuity to overcome challenging situations. My passions are community action, artificial intelligence in neuroscience, neurosurgical research, and innovation. All of these things help me get closer to my ultimate objective of enhancing patient care and having a good influence in the healthcare industry. In addition to wanting to become a neurosurgeon, I'm eager to work with like-minded people on research initiatives that push the limits of healthcare and other important areas. I have represented my country as a Global Health Focus (Nigeria), Neurosurgery Cocktail (Nepal), and MedReC Research Admin (DR Congo).
Research interests
Neurosurgery, neuroscience, public health, artificial intelligence, neurology, surgery, spine, Public Health and challenges in low- and middle-income countries, etc
Projects you're working on
Neurosurgery, Aneurysms, Spine, Oncology, Public Health, Internationall and Humanitarian Medicine
Challenge model development Challenge study design
Host species
BacteriaCorynebacterium BacteriaMycoplasma ParasitesBabesia ParasitesNeospora ParasitesTaenia solium ParasitesTheileria annulata ParasitesTrypanosoma Viruses VirusesAfrican horse sickness virus VirusesAvian papillomavirus VirusesAvian polyomavirus VirusesClassical swine fever virus VirusesNipah virus VirusesParvovirus VirusesPorcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus VirusesPoxviruses VirusesRespiratory syncytial virus VirusesRetroviruses VirusesRotavirus