Izzet Burcin Saticioglu

Izzet Burcin

Assoc. Prof.
Bursa Uludag University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
iburcinsat [at] uludag.edu.tr
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Izzet Burcin Saticioglu will spearhead the genomic analysis and characterization in the development of an inactivated whole-cell vaccine to combat Aeromonas infections in rainbow trout, which is crucial for aquaculture sustainability. His expertise in genomic characterization and bacterial genomics is pivotal in identifying novel fish pathogens and providing a detailed genomic description. This project will utilize cutting-edge genomic tools to elucidate bacterial virulence factors and resistance genes, enhancing the efficacy of the vaccine. Izzet’s work aims to introduce innovative bacterial identification and characterization approaches, potentially discovering novel species and contributing significantly to global aquaculture health practices.
Research interests
Dr. Saticioglu is a researcher in the field of microbial genomics, with an impressive track record of more than 50 scientific publications in the past five years. His work has been instrumental in advancing our understanding of diseases in animals, and in particular, in addressing the global issue of antimicrobial resistance. One of Dr. Saticioglu's key areas of research is in the development of cutting-edge next-generation methods for disease diagnosis and animal disease control. These methods integrate genetics, molecular biology, and bioinformatics, which enable quicker and more accurate disease identification. This approach represents a significant improvement in the detection and management of diseases that threaten aquaculture and ecosystems, which are of great concern to the global community. Dr. Saticioglu is also actively involved in conducting microbial whole-genome analysis and microbiome studies using next-generation sequencing methodologies. His pioneering work in these areas has led to the discovery of novel microbial species and has helped to further our understanding of the complex microbial interactions that exist within various ecosystems, including the human microbiome. Dr. Saticioglu's research has significant implications for the field of public health, as it has the potential to lead to the development of new treatments for microbial infections, as well as the prevention of the spread of infectious diseases. His work is invaluable in making strides towards disease prevention and control, and it is a testament to his dedication and commitment to advancing the field of microbial genomics. Through his pioneering work, Dr. Saticioglu aims to shed light on the dynamics of the microbial world and its effects on organismal health. His work is an inspiration to many in the scientific community, and his contributions to the field of microbial genomics are sure to have a lasting impact for years to come.
Bacteriology Bioinformatics Epidemiology Molecular biology
Host species