Eriko Padron Regalado

Padron Regalado

University of Oxford

I was born in Mexico on 1988. After becoming a clinic laboratory technician, I studied a Bachelor's degree in Biotechnology engineering at the Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico (2006-2010). In 2014, I completed my Master's degree in Bioscience from the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (Saudi Arabia). My research involved the first large-scale molecular epidemiology study of enteric viruses from the largest annual mass gathering in the world, the Hajj. From 2015 to date, I study the PhD program in Clinical Medicine in the University of Oxford (The Jenner Institute). My PhD project involves the development of new molecular biology techniques and vaccines for two global infectious diseases, MERS coronavirus and malaria. These diseases have killed millions of people around the globe and, unfortunately, an effective vaccine is still unavailable. 

Research interests

Vaccinology, Virology, Molecular biology, Biotechnology engineering, Genomics