Miriam Pedrera


mirpema [at] yahoo.es

Degree in Biological Sciences (Granada University) and Veterinary Medicine (Cordoba University). PhD in Veterinary Sciences and “Extraordinary doctorate award” from Cordoba University (UCO) in 2008, with the thesis focused on immunosuppression mechanisms and immune response induced by BVDV. After a post-doctoral position at the Pathology Department of Veterinary Faculty (UCO), studying pathogenesis and immunosuppression induced by different livestock viral diseases, I was awarded with a postdoctoral fellowship to work at the Virology Department of Animal and Plant Health Agency at Weybridge ( United Kingdom) in different areas of porcine immunology and vaccine-related research. I joined the group Avian Oncogenic viruses at the Compton Laboratory as postdoctoral scientist in 2014, working on Marek’s disease virus. In 2018, I joined the PRRS immunology group at The Pirbright Institute to work on preventing the transmission of Nipah virus from pigs to humans throughout the evaluation in pigs of different vaccine candidates. I also worked in the immunological evaluation of different SARS-Cov-2 and PRRS vaccine candidates. In November 2020, I joined CISA-INIA / CSIC in Madrid to work on ASFV vaccine-related research.

Research interests

Immunology, pathology and vaccines. 

Immunology – B-cells Immunology – T-cells Immunology – innate Virology
Host species
Cattle Pigs Small ruminants Zoonoses
Stage of vaccine development
Correlates of protection – immunomonitoring