Shareen Boughan


PhD candidate
University of Pretoria

My interest in science began at an early age. At school level, I would play an active role in class projects and read an abundance of information articles on the subject. I decided to embark on a career in science as my curiosity grew. I was involved in many community projects during my undergraduate studies such as volunteering at events in poor communities, such I also did community service at Johannesburg General Hospital . My coursework and research began at the University of Witwatersrand where I was enrolled for a Bachelor’s degree in biology. In my undergraduate years I majored in Genetics and Physiology. By doing both these subjects I was exposed to laboratory work and learnt many new techniques. Some of the techniques included dissecting rats and identifying a protein in a chick embryo. The chick embryo would be dissected and electroporation techniques would be used to identify the protein. As I entered into my third year at undergraduate level I became more intrigued in laboratory work and Genetics. This spearheaded my decision to broaden my skills in the Genetics field and enrolled for an honours degrees at the University of Pretoria. I have successfully completed my masters degree (with distinction) at the University of Pretoria. I am currently doing my doctorate in Genetics at the University of Pretoria which focuses on vaccine development of African horse sickness virus. 

Research interests

My current research focuses on investigating the NS4 protein of African horse sickness virus. I use multiple techniques to analyse this protein such as Western blot, confocal laser scanning microsocpy, RT-PCR etc. I am interested in research that contributes to disease control such as vaccine development.