Advisory Committee on Releases to the Environment (ACRE) – Scientific Expert Members

Closes: 10 May 2024

About ACRE

ACRE is a non-departmental public body (NDPB) composed of leading scientists. It is sponsored by the Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs. ACRE provides statutory advice to the UK Government, and the Devolved Administrations of Northern Ireland, Wales, and Scotland on the potential risks to human health and the environment from the release of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) for research or marketing purposes. ACRE also has a role in evaluating new research findings and any science-based GM matter, as well as providing advice on releasing non-native animals and plants into the environment as bio-control agents.

About the Role

ACRE provides a vital function in advising the UK Government, and the countries of Northern Ireland, Wales, and Scotland on the potential risks to human health and the environment from the release of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) for research and marketing.

ACRE needs excellent people to help it achieve its vital work in providing statutory advice on GM trial applications and evaluating new research findings.

They are looking for people with a proven track record of achievement in research and expertise in three areas:

  • Veterinary medicine, in particular, biotechnology-derived veterinary medicinal products and vaccines. 
  • Molecular biology and biotechnology.
  • Environmental microbiology, particularly in the context of molecular plant-soil-microbe interactions and biotechnology applications.

As a member, you will contribute to ACRE’s overall effectiveness, and support the Committee as a whole in fulfilling its statutory functions and conducting its affairs with probity. You will take personal responsibility for helping ACRE deliver its objectives, achieve value for money, and deliver high standards of regularity and propriety.   

 As a member you will be responsible for:   

  • contributing to a cohesive and focused Committee issuing advice to, Government, and other Bodies; 
  • meeting statutory duties and deadlines;  
  • taking proper account of evidence in reaching decisions;  
  • delivering high standards of propriety, contributing efficiently and effectively and conduct ACRE business in an open and transparent manner.  

Essential Criteria

The following general essential criteria applies to all 3 roles:

  • the ability to assimilate complex information and participate fully in Committee deliberations, including offering contributions and challenges outside the area of your main expertise; 

  • possess strong analytical skills and the capacity to examine issues and evidence relevant to GMO safety considerations, in an impartial way, with the ability to apply this when ACRE is assessing applications to use GMOs; 
  • effective interpersonal and communication skills, demonstrating an ability to work collaboratively and identify key issues and communicate conclusions to a non-specialist audience, if necessary. 
  • skills in risk assessment, or an ability to develop these skills, in order to help ACRE advise on the potential environmental risks (including risks to human health) associated with the use of GMO products in research trials and commercial use. 

More Information & Apply Here
