Understanding the importance of the PI3K pathway in modulating influenza virus replication in chickens and ducks

Closing date: 21 March 2021

This is a Pirbright Institute/University of Nottingham fully funded studentship.  All students are eligible for the full award (stipend and home rated university tuition fees).  From 1st August 2021, EU and International students will be liable for tuition fees at the international rate and must be able to fund the difference between “Home” and “Overseas” tuition fees themselves. For Home student eligibility guidelines, please refer to the UKRI Full Eligibility Criteria (Annex One).

Project details

Avian influenza virus (AIV) is a pathogen that causes significant economic and welfare issues for the poultry industry. In addition, there is the additional concern that avian influenza strains may be able to cross the species barrier and infect humans. Increasing our knowledge about AIV is fundamental to devising practical and effective control strategies for AIV in avian species.

Full details and how to apply
