Protection of piglets with maternally derived antibodies from sows inoculated with an attenuated live marker classical swine fever vaccine (Flc-LOM-BErns)

27 Jul 2020
Choe S, Shin J, Kim KS, Song S, Cha RM, Jung BI, Hyun BH, Park BK and An DJ


Here, we investigated the protective efficacy provided by passive immunity induced by a classical swine fever (Flc-LOM-BErns) vaccine with the newly developed DIVA (Differentiating Infected from Vaccinated Animals) function. Ten pigs (aged 40–60 days) with maternally derived antibodies (MDAs) obtained from sows inoculated with the Flc-LOM-BErns vaccine were challenged with virulent classical swine fever virus (CSFV). Pigs with an MDA titer of 6 log2 induced by the Flc-LOM-BErns vaccine were fully protected against virulent CSFV challenge but not the pigs with an MDA titer under 5 log2. In addition, Flc-LOM-BErns vaccine-derived MDAs successfully differentiated vaccinated pigs by bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) Erns/CSFV Erns antibody detection, functioning as a DIVA.